PISA (Programe for International Student Assessment) is an international studiy which measures ’ capabilties and knowledge of 15-year-old- students at the end of compulsory education. It focuses on:
- students’ capability in reading comprehension and critical approach to reading written material;
- science literacy – identifying scientific questions, using scientific knowledge, identifying content in scientific research and connecting scientific data with evidence and deductions.
This assessment tests how much students are prepared for real-life situations after school leaving,rather than how proficient they are in certain subjects.
The Programe for International Student Assessment – PISA is an attempt for a cooperation between member states of the OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development). It has been implemented through the International Consortium, led by the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER). The Consortium includes the Dutch National Institute for Educational Measurements (CITO), Educational Testing Service (ETS) ,Westat from the United States of America од САД, and the National Institute for Educational Research from Japan.
The Republic of Macedonia has participated in one assessment cycle so far, (PISA 2000).