PIRLS (Progress in International Reading Literacy Study) is an international comparative study of the capability for reading of nine and ten-year-old pupils. It focuses on three aspects in referance to reading:

  • the process of comprehension;
  • the reading aims;
  • the reading habits and attitudes towards reading.

From the questionnaires for the students, the parents, the teachers and the directors, we receive information on how the cultural background, the teaching praxis, the aims outlined in the subject curricula, as well as the educational managament, influence students’ achievement.
The International Association for Educational Assessment manages the organisation and realization of this study.The expertise and management of this study is carried out by the International Study Centre (ISC) in Boston College. ISC works together with the IEA Secretariat in the Netherlands, the IEA Centre for research and processing data in Germany, the Statistics Centre in Canada, the National Foundation for Educational Research in England and Wales (NFER) and Educational Testing Service from the United States of America.
The Republic of Macedonia has participated in:

  • PIRLS 2001
  • PIRLS 2006.

  PIRLS 2001 – – A Report on students’ achievements in the Republic of Macedonia РМ-МАК.pdf